Tuesday, September 06, 2005

If you are sick of my depressing posts, don't read this.

I am becoming more and more aware of the fact that for the past almost two months, not a week has gone by that I have not applied for a job or multiple jobs. And no one will hire me.
Admittedly, I have been applying for certain jobs over others. I cannot accept never seeing my wife and friends by having to work perpetual evenings and weekends. But regardless, there has still been a reasonable variety. And no one wants me.
I have been willing to take a paper route for several weeks now, but Heather doesn't want me to because it will be meaningless on my resume (and I doubt we'd break even on gas). And now even the available paper routes are dwindling. And in the newspaper, I'm finding fewer and fewer jobs that even have a chance of paying me what we need.

We're fucked.

I don't want to leave here yet. Our lives here may seem simple and somewhat futureless, but at least there are places (meaning people) down here where I feel I am needed, or where I feel that I am contributing. In Gurnee, Illinois, and it's surrounding suburbia, there is NOTHING for us! The concert, arts and slam scene is 1 1/2 hours away in Chicago, and there is NO garuntee that I'm any more likely to find a job up there. Heather either. When I lived up there for a year, all I did was work. I had no external life, and I did not write! Therefore, I don't want to go back there! At least not like this, once again beaten by life, once again having failed.

I realize that God's vision is bigger than mine, and it always will be, but if we have to move up there and live with my parents, I will be completely demoralized and thrust into a very deep depression. That, based on my self-knowledge, is what I see.

If we have to go back up there to survive, it will have a destructive impact on our marriage. I will fall deep into the parts of my psyche and behavior that distress Heather the most, and that she feels the most helpless to effect. I will look at what I have always seen(in both micro and macrocosm): my life, on the brink of new forward motion, undercut and pulled-down. I will believe that nothing has changed, that I have not changed, and I never will.

I have no occupational identity, in an age when we are told that that is all that matters. But even if we cast-off those beliefs, we must work to survive (especially when we are in what my dad called "severe financial distress").

Have you ever felt doomed? Seeing no way out? My Bipolar is not under solid control, and the current med is giving me cronic side-effects, so we'll have to try a new one, and thats always healthy for the mentally distressed. And by how I'm feeling, I truly may have caught Heather's Mono. Gas won't stop going up! All of this can only continue to inhibit my chances for a job. So yeah, I feel doomed.

I guess I should go apply at Sonic, be willing to accept 6 bucks an hour, and prepare to face the daily struggle of trying not to slit my wrists.

I apologize if you read all of this, because I'm going to feel guilty for depressing you. But I have to put it somewhere, and I abstain from going through all of this with people face-to-face because the last thing I want to be in a relationship is a bring-down. At least here you can stop reading.


At 1:03 AM, Blogger wild_flower said...

I guess we all go through depressing time(s) in our lives especially because we are living in a dog-eat-dog world... I believe you will be able to survive whatever present trials you have right now... It's just sad that those who understand and truly feel are those who suffer... Goodluck to you and your family...

At 10:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey sweetie,
I know its hard right now, but keep your head up... I don't wanna say anything really cause everything will sound like a cliche... Just remember that God has a plan... draw near to Him... in situations like this try not to focus on yo problems (I KNOW this is seemingly impossible)but focus on Him... ask for His plan for your life... not yours... You're probably gonna hate me for this little comment thing that I'm typing but remember and hold onto your faith... its always crazy painful before a break through, and God sometimes needs to break you so you can see where you're supposed to be... He's got yo back, always has... Keep praying...
Mad Love x x x

At 12:43 AM, Blogger Dave King said...

Thanks for being honest, the Church needs to be better at sharing our failures and our hurts. Mourn with those who mourn and celebrate with those who celebrate.

- Peace to you and your wife.

At 12:25 AM, Blogger special k said...

In the day of my trouble I sought the Lord;
In the night my hand was stretched out without weariness;
My soul refused to be comforted.
When I remember God, then I am disturbed;
When I sigh, then my spirit grows faint.
You have held my eyelids open;
I am so troubled that I cannot speak. Ps77

I heard a language that I did not know:
"I relieved his shoulder of the burden,
His hands were freed from the basket.
"You called in trouble and I rescued you;
I answered you in the hiding place of thunder;
I proved you at the waters of Meribah." Ps81

At 9:14 AM, Blogger David said...

Hey Scott,
I just stumbled upon your blog here ("next blog"), so maybe I'm your guardian angel? (cough)

Your occupational identity, from where I sit (here in cubicleville) is as a writer. It can be difficult to find, but there are jobs out there for writers that pay better than a paper route, if only slightly.

Seriously though, tech writing/editing is always in demand, journalism is a possibility, broadcasting, advertising, marketing, web development, and other professions all require writing talent.

USE YOUR NETWORK. Applying via ads in the paper is a waste of energy. You know a lot more people than you think.

Aim high. You may not be able to just get that poet laureate position right off the bat, but you can write and talk your way into employment. A writing job that at least somewhat satisfies your creative abilities AND pays the bills can be a tad better than tending the gas pumps at the BP. Sure, you'd probably be workin' fo da man, but that's how it works these days.


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