Saturday, August 16, 2003

So yesterday I went to see Freddy vs Jason. Why would I do such a thing? I'm glad you asked. I went for the following reason:

"Anyone weaned on these movies -- which is to say, pretty much anyone who grew up during the 1980s and 1990s -- will get a kick out of seeing how those two universes, with all their respective tropes and rules, have been melded."
-- Rene Rodriguez, MIAMI HERALD

Honestly, slasher films have become a nasty cliche lately thanks to the Scary Movie series. There was nothing terribly frightening in this film. In fact, the classic slasher motif is pretty hilarious at this point, especially in this movie because the antagonists, the "slashers," are already well-known. And I certainly didn't go for the acting. So I went simply because of the title; it was Freddy vs. Jason! After the movie has been out for a while I'll let you all know who, for the most part, wins. But if you already know who I was routing-for, I'll tell you that I came away satisfied.


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