Tuesday, November 04, 2003

What is wrong with Arkansas?!?! Today is November 4th and the temperature was up to 83 de-freaking-grees outside!! As if the ignorant hillbilly clone culture were not enough to indicate the need for this state to be destroyed.
Yeah, ok. Maybe I indulge too much in hyperbole. After all, Poynter's Palace is in Little Rock and they produced some killer Living Sacrifice albums, among others.

I must apologize for the roadkill that the Aardvark of Freedom has become. I truly wasn't sure what would come of it all, and now only Ben (The Blind Seeker) and I are the only regularly posting members. That's us English majors for you.

This weekend the JBU speech and debate team goes to it's first tournament of the year, and I will be returning to action as a coach for the speech and interp. events. That's almost 30 performers to coach and keep track-of! . . . I'm screwed. When I competed I was one of about 8-10 people, and I only had to focus on my own peices. Now I have to worry about everybody and there are three-times as many people! . . . Yeah, ok. You got me again. I'm so pumped, I can't wait! Let's kick some butt!!

Is there anyone out there who will pay me to create D&D campaigns?


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