Tuesday, September 30, 2003

So here I am, jobless and squatting, using a friend's computer, and I've got my hands into more projects than in the last year combined. I'm writing a screenplay, I'm acting in a short film, I'm a coach for a speech and debate team, I'm reinventing my poetry slam career, and I'm breeding llamas with wolverines to equip the cavalry division of my new world-domination army.

It takes life to create life (a fact that billion-year evolutionists like to ignore), and so after going to some slams and poetry readings, I'm finally writing again! You see, people, this is why jobs suck. Unless you are doing something you love you are going to feel empty, and most of us work at something we couldn't care less about. The things I want to do for a career, the jobs I'd love to have, I don't have the means of acheiving. And so right now all I'm doing is screwing around with friends, loving my girlfriend, working on my first DM campaign, and thinking about the jobs I COULD have, and I'm really freak'in happy!

But, after the buzz dissipates I remember that my money will dissappear, and that I don't have what it take to be at the center of a new business, or the proper CONTACTS to get into the jobs that would mean something to me. And I realize that this economy blows! It's alll Nero's, I mean Bush's, fault!

All I'm left with is the belief that the vast majority of our heart's desires are nothing but fantasies and pipe dreams and we should resign ourselves to a life of grayscale mediocrity where we just try to get through each day without killing ourselves. Ok, maybe thats a bit harsh. But the so-called American Dream is still bullshit.

Now, I'm gonna go get naked and write poetry.


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