First off, my kindest thanks to Korrinne for her adamant response. And, although I'm feeling much better, you, dear Korrinne, are going to have to get out your Bible and prove to me that "God doesn't make failures." Paul's (somewhat caluss) statement in Romans 9 makes it clear to me that He creates and uses people in whatever way He wants. And even if you can prove this to me, there is still the problem that we can make failures of ourselves.
Next off. I am in Baton Rouge, using a laptop with an extremely non-sensitive keyboard (I'm gonna break this thing, I know it), and drinking a surprisingly yummy 24 oz. Red Dog in my motel room. Tigger is here and very confused. But, he takes comfort in my presence and in that of his toys. Heather is at a regional archivist conference - that's WHY we're here.
Unfortunately, the pool this place advertised is a joke! Its barely a friggin kiddy-pool. And it's heated, which is great since the air outside is 95 degrees! So I am in my air-conditioned room, getting various odds and ends of my hobbies done.
Have you ever had an experience that you didn't know whether to write a poem about, or just plain write about? (Thank God for prose poems.) Well, I had one at Waffle House today. But I think I'll just notebook-it for now. But my thanks to Cliff and Diane working lunch shift alone at the Waffle House in Port Allen for helping me feel human. I spend too many of my days in numbness.
You slacker! Post more! ;)
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