Thursday, June 24, 2004

Sometimes I feel helpless in the face of my own stupidity. Especially when I leave my phone in the car and Heather drives away in it . . . the car, not the phone.

Anyway. Cornerstone Festival sort-of snuck-up on me this year. I've been too busy to obsess over every little detail as usual. Although after five years I think I'm getting the hang of it. Be prepared but flexible. And bring lots of Gold Bond.

So... some things I'm happy about or looking forward-to this year:

- buying CD's at decent prices because we're buying direct from the artist or the record company. None of this $17.99 per CD bullshit.
- Further Seems Forever's new vocalist is the guy from Sense Field! Can't wait to hear it.
- checking-out the brand new Tooth & Nail / Solid State bands like As Cities Burn (they sound amazing), Far Less, Showbread, He Is Legend, and In Arms.
- Some other new bands who sound good like Trauma, The Myriad, and Still Remains.
- becoming more involved in the Imaginarium. How could Heather and I have missed it for so long?, we definately belong there.
- hearing Zao's new material! (plus their live show is always awsome).
- seeing Project 86 TWICE!

Some things I'm not happy about or not looking forward to this year:

- The Prairie School of Writing has severely shrunk it's seminar schedual and been lumped-in with the music seminars.
- finding a new camp site because our usual area is now reserved for youth groups.
- not having enough vehicle room this year to offer ourselves on the C-Stone ride board.
- the heat.
- gas prices.
- being eaten by clowns.

This weekend Heather are going to a wedding in Little Rock that we REALLY don't want to go to, but the upside is that we are staying with Rob and Sarah and can play drunk scrabble all night! And maybe some drunk Grand Tourismo!

And I mentioned my phone earlier, you can probably guess that we found it. It has been in my backpack for 4 weeks. I'm retarded.

I probably won't blog again until after the fest. I'll give my usual Cornerstone report, of course. Until then.


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