Sunday, August 22, 2004

Yeah, so the C-Stone concert log is coming along, but I've yet to take it out of draft. And I know, you're thinking, "Why are you wasting time telling me about how it's coming instead of actually doing it!?" or you're thinking, "Why do I care about a bunch of stupid concerts, talk to me about other stuff!"
Well, you can't please everybody.

So work is crazy right now. I work in the college bookstore and classes start tomorrow. So we've got long lines of book-loaded students who are pissed-off about paying unethical amounts of money for said books and then I have to take their money and try to make them feel better.
Ugh. But I like being able to interact with the students, regardless of the circumstances. And I try to stay neutral about the book thing, because these publishers should be raped by a goat for the prices they charge.

Heather and I got our tickets to see Blindside and MeWithoutYou in a tiny local venue next weekend. I'm exuberantly stoked about seeing MeWithoutYou, and Blindside should at least be interesting on so small a stage.

Oh and I got my ears pierced today. It's the kind of thing that I am embarrassed about not doing six years ago.

And now it is my attempted bedtime. Goodnight kids.


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