Saturday, November 26, 2005

I am fat.

And this is distressing because less than a month ago, I was not fat.

Thanks to my new medication (which, unfortunately, is moderating my moods quite well), I have gained almost 20 lbs. in 3 weeks.

I feel SO disgusting. I'm like a pumpkin on legs. My face has plumped. My back has gone into complete muscular revolt. I am constantly bloated. My stomach muscles are strained and screaming. AND YET. . . my head continues to tell me that I am hungry, always hungry! And so, since I have no self-control whatsoever, I keep eating and eating and eating!

And so I am fat. Fatter than I've ever been in my life.

Big. Huge. Round. Thick. Overwieght. Big-boned. Plump. Tubby. Chunky. Fatty. Corpulent. Stout. Portly. Porcine. Stocky. Chubby. Pudgy. Stodgy. Rotund. Roly-poly. Heavyset. I've got dunlop's disease - my gut dun lops my belt. When I sit around the house, I really sit around the house. I fell over and rocked myself to sleep trying to get back up. I broke my leg and gravy poured-out. When I stand on a scale it says "to be continued... ." I went to the beach and was the only one to get a tan.

As if life wasn't freaking hard enough.


At 12:30 PM, Blogger special k said...

I know. I sympathize. I empathize. I am fat, too.

At 2:55 AM, Blogger Dave King said...

Dude at 400 pounds I know fat. Let me know when you crack mountain bike frames.

You know I love you two :)

- Peace


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