Sunday, August 22, 2004

Yeah, so the C-Stone concert log is coming along, but I've yet to take it out of draft. And I know, you're thinking, "Why are you wasting time telling me about how it's coming instead of actually doing it!?" or you're thinking, "Why do I care about a bunch of stupid concerts, talk to me about other stuff!"
Well, you can't please everybody.

So work is crazy right now. I work in the college bookstore and classes start tomorrow. So we've got long lines of book-loaded students who are pissed-off about paying unethical amounts of money for said books and then I have to take their money and try to make them feel better.
Ugh. But I like being able to interact with the students, regardless of the circumstances. And I try to stay neutral about the book thing, because these publishers should be raped by a goat for the prices they charge.

Heather and I got our tickets to see Blindside and MeWithoutYou in a tiny local venue next weekend. I'm exuberantly stoked about seeing MeWithoutYou, and Blindside should at least be interesting on so small a stage.

Oh and I got my ears pierced today. It's the kind of thing that I am embarrassed about not doing six years ago.

And now it is my attempted bedtime. Goodnight kids.

Thursday, August 19, 2004

I'm working on the Cornerstone concert log, honest! I've got a draft of the first couple of days, which I will post very soon. But first I need to explain whats going on with me and why I've been so delinquint about posting (for my imaginary throng of faithful readers!).
I appear to have a sleeping disorder that is very rare in people my age called Periodic Limb Movement Disorder. Actually, I have yet to meet with my doctor and go over the full results of my sleep study, but I saw the raw data the morning after, and in 6 hours of sleep I did not go 30 seconds without a major leg spasm (except for one half-hour period around 4 a.m.). Because of the repeated mini-arousals this causes, I had three minutes of REM sleep in the whole night!! So whatever this is, it is SEVERE! And it's not getting better. Heather has bruises on her legs from my kicking at night. I have had this to some degree for almost 10 years, but only in the last 6 months has it gotten completely uncontrollable. Suffice it to say, my sleep sucks. I have a hard enough time getting to sleep, and once I'm there, I'm never truly resting. I wake-up feeling more tired than when I went to bed. Some nights get better REM than others, but never enough.
So when I come home from work, I crash. And I stay in this insomnia-driven lethargy all evening. So I'm not just neglecting the blog, I'm neglecting everything. But I still walk Tigger each night, because he bugs the hell out of me until I do. Although it's raining tonight, so we may skip it . . . or we'll just walk in the rain, he doesn't care.

I started these last two weeks of back-to-school-ness at JBU feeling very depressed, because I'm doing nothing purposeful with my life while so many people my age are in grad school or teaching or doing something to advance their plan for their life. Well I'm S.O.L. because I don't have a plan for my life! I feel like a stagnant and insignificant cog in a wheel.
Today was better because we were very busy and I got to help students find their books and learn about classes and stuff. But, I have also jotted down an almost impulsive list of activities that I believe will bring me to feeling more purposeful and satisfied, and I need to post it here, publicly, for all (ha!) of you. If I don't post these here, then I run a better chance of accomplishing none of them.

-Teach Sunday school, or work in some capacity with the few youth at church. (this might be a stretch, but I have already spoken to pastor Glen about it).
-Write blog. (*embarrassed facial expression*)
-Work on novel with Rob. (this may be a huge stretch, but even if we get a few chapters done before Christmas I'll be impressed)
-JBU Speech and Debate team: support, train and assemble interp. pieces. (the first two will get done just by me going to the tournaments with the team, the third will take devotion.)
-Run D&D campaign for friends. (my imagination won't let me NOT work on this)
-Concerts: be aware of them and advertise on campus for the students. (I hope to start with Blindside and MeWithoutYou next weekend)
-Write poetry. (. . . Heather and I truly want to be active in the Fayetteville poetry slam this year, so I need to be writing slam pieces as well as more literary material ... or writing anything at all!)

Yeah, one might suspect that applying to grad school should go in that list, but I already said I still have no plan for my life, while Heather is more directed. So until I can realize a career that means more to me than a paycheck and that I actually believe I can be successful at, I will keep my options open so that Heather may move forward.

Now that I have blogged . . . I think I'll look through my books for good interp pieces.