Thursday, June 24, 2004

Sometimes I feel helpless in the face of my own stupidity. Especially when I leave my phone in the car and Heather drives away in it . . . the car, not the phone.

Anyway. Cornerstone Festival sort-of snuck-up on me this year. I've been too busy to obsess over every little detail as usual. Although after five years I think I'm getting the hang of it. Be prepared but flexible. And bring lots of Gold Bond.

So... some things I'm happy about or looking forward-to this year:

- buying CD's at decent prices because we're buying direct from the artist or the record company. None of this $17.99 per CD bullshit.
- Further Seems Forever's new vocalist is the guy from Sense Field! Can't wait to hear it.
- checking-out the brand new Tooth & Nail / Solid State bands like As Cities Burn (they sound amazing), Far Less, Showbread, He Is Legend, and In Arms.
- Some other new bands who sound good like Trauma, The Myriad, and Still Remains.
- becoming more involved in the Imaginarium. How could Heather and I have missed it for so long?, we definately belong there.
- hearing Zao's new material! (plus their live show is always awsome).
- seeing Project 86 TWICE!

Some things I'm not happy about or not looking forward to this year:

- The Prairie School of Writing has severely shrunk it's seminar schedual and been lumped-in with the music seminars.
- finding a new camp site because our usual area is now reserved for youth groups.
- not having enough vehicle room this year to offer ourselves on the C-Stone ride board.
- the heat.
- gas prices.
- being eaten by clowns.

This weekend Heather are going to a wedding in Little Rock that we REALLY don't want to go to, but the upside is that we are staying with Rob and Sarah and can play drunk scrabble all night! And maybe some drunk Grand Tourismo!

And I mentioned my phone earlier, you can probably guess that we found it. It has been in my backpack for 4 weeks. I'm retarded.

I probably won't blog again until after the fest. I'll give my usual Cornerstone report, of course. Until then.

Monday, June 07, 2004

I never realized just how dependant I am on coffee until we got this puppy. He REALLY doesn't like spending the night apart from us, and he lets us know it at full volume. (We're going to bake the neighbors a cake.) But we have to barricade him in the kitchen or else we might wake-up with dookie on the carpet.

Although, the dog is not the ONLY reason I'm really freakin tired in the mornings. . . . regardless, mad props to Tony Burke for getting me (I mean, "us") Mechwarrior 4 as a wedding gift.

Is it wrong to use a Harry Potter character name for a battlemech pilot? I am mechwarrior Sirius Black.

Bring on the bad guys.

Friday, June 04, 2004

Boys and Girls I have a new favorite alcoholic drink! It's rather light as far as gettin sloshed goes, but, courtesy of the Woodstock Inn and Brewery in North Woodstock, NH, we now have Pegbeer!! Pegbeer is very simple; it is rootbeer and Irish Creme (appoximate ratio - 7:3). Delicious.

So, I'm married. Yup. And we have have a dog! Heather's parents thought it would be nice to give us another chunk of responsibility as a wedding present. A rather rude gift, just the sort we might expect from them. But, to be fair, they did ask us first and we did say yes. ...I can't help it, I love dogs!
He is a 4 month-old boxer we have named "Tigger" (because his color is brindle - meaning he has stripes like a tiger). So far he is a wonderful dog. I love him so much! Although it does mean that Heather and I are now deprived of simply enjoying each other as newlyweds (which is an important period of time for a couple, I believe). However, Heather and I already have a somewhat seasoned relationship, and so I think we can handle it.

Anyway, the ceremony was gorgeous. Not a dry eye in the house . . . err, I mean field. It was a simple outdoor wedding. We had about 80 people and three dogs in attendance. My father was the officiate. Our super secret recessional was the theme from Rocky!! It was hilarious and yet (to my ears) the perfect song for the moment.
Simple description is inadequate, it was just a damn good wedding!

And the honeymoon was also outstanding. Boston was fun, the White Mountains were breath-taking, Alamo screwed us on car-rental fees. What more could you ask for?

Oh, but my phone is missing. So don't call me. Call Heather.